The Next Chapter

Exciting news from Katy here at Ride Clean, we have a new owner Adam Hynes taking over from February 2022.

Adam has the perfect background to take up the helm as he has already done work for Ride Clean. He is a seasoned cyclist in several disciplines, worked on many cycling and multi-sport events from managing IronMan events across Europe to working on the Tour of Britain in the UK. He is a competent bike mechanic and has the experience and skills to manage a team.

I would like to thank every single person who has supported Ride Clean over the last four years, it has been quite a ride. Iā€™m really grateful to the all those who have supplied dirty bikes that have passed through the bike stands, cups of coffee, pizzas, cakes and smiles!

I know Adam is keen to get things up to speed and have sites operating again quickly. Dates and times will be advertised soon on the website and social media. If you have any enquires then drop a line to the usual address

Good luck Adam, we know you will be awesome!!!!

And to everyone else keep up taking adventures on two wheels near and far :-)

man in cycling kit with pet cat